Fraud Alerts & Shazam BOLT$

Text Fraud Alerts

We are adding Text Fraud Alerts as part of our debit card protection program.  If you receive a “fraud alert,” reply Yes or No to confirm or deny the activity.  Reply Yes if the activity is legitimate.  Reply No if the activity is fraudulent.    
Text messages will come from phone number 72718 OR 742926.  
Fraud Alert phone calls will come from number:  855-219-5399 OR 202-852-9261



Brella helps you protect your debit card by sending you alerts when your card is used so you can quickly detect unauthorized or fraudulent activity on your account. Users have the option to receive alerts via text or email. You can also check your account balance anytime, turn your card off and on, send money to other Brella users and find nearby ATMs.
Alerts Are Provided For:
  • Purchases exceeding thresholds as defined by you
  • Card-not-present purchases
  • Suspicious or high-risk transactions

With this app, you have the ability to define when, where and how your debit card can be used.

Users Can Set Blocks For:

  • Transactions exceeding a specific dollar amount
  • Internet and phone transactions
  • Transactions conducted outside of the U.S.
Turn Your Debit Card ON / OFF
  • This control can be used to disable a lost or stolen card, prevent fraudulent activity and control spending.


To learn more and download the app visit:  BRELLA 
Easy to follow Brella User Guide